Summary: The Black Prince
Bradley Pear­son, a man in his mid­dle years and a
Summary: The Big Sleep
Dur­ing a somber morn­ing in mid-Octo­ber, Philip Mar­lowe
Summary: A Storm of Swords
The tale moves for­ward from the pre­vi­ous vol­ume
Summary: Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
In “Your Opti­mal Year Ever,” lead­er­ship author­i­ty
Summary: You Only Have to Be Right Once by Randall Lane
The Unprece­dent­ed Surge of the Instant Tech Bil­lion­aires.
Summary: Women & Power by Professor Mary Beard
This sum­ma­ry cen­ters on pow­er: the allo­ca­tion
Summary: Your Brain at Work by David Rock
Are there times when you feel like you’re stuck in
100 Million Years Of Food Summary
Have you ever pon­dered why diet-relat­ed ail­ments
Summary: 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades by Thomas Frank
A brief, prag­mat­ic guide for schol­ars on enhanc­ing
Summary: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
The nar­ra­tive cen­ters on a youth­ful Amer­i­can
Summary: The Bell Jar
Esther Green­wood, a schol­ar from Mass­a­chu­setts
Summary: Song of Solomon
In a neglect­ed Michi­gan town, an insur­ance exam­in­er