Summary: Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

In “Your Opti­mal Year Ever,” lead­er­ship author­i­ty Michael Hyatt reveals his tech­nique to aid you in trans­form­ing your aspi­ra­tions into attain­able goals and then instructs you on embark­ing on the essen­tial actions to real­ize them. You will dis­cov­er how to oper­ate from a men­tal­i­ty of plen­ty and estab­lish the ground­work for tri­umph by read­just­ing your mind­set. By uti­liz­ing the past as a blue­print for shap­ing the future, you will be on the path to your finest year ever.

Expe­ri­ence your finest year ever by con­vert­ing aspi­ra­tions into goals and sub­se­quent­ly goals into accomplishments.


Many of us estab­lish objec­tives for the New Year, kick off vig­or­ous­ly, but sub­se­quent­ly get side­tracked. This chal­lenge is so preva­lent that fit­ness cen­ters vend year­ly mem­ber­ships to an excess of indi­vid­u­als than they can cater to, acknowl­edg­ing that most will work out for under a month and nev­er return.

Heather Kampf is famil­iar with get­ting divert­ed. In the 600-meter final at the 2008 Big Ten Indoor Track Cham­pi­onship, the tri­umphant run­ner stum­bled and plum­met­ed flat on her vis­age. Kampf then hoist­ed her­self up off the ground and not only suc­ceed­ed in com­plet­ing the remain­der of the race but sur­passed every­one on the track to secure first place. This man­u­script is about how to emu­late just that: rise and pro­pel your­self for­ward. Lead­er­ship author­i­ty Michael Hyatt intro­duces a goal-set­ting sys­tem that will aid you in evad­ing com­mon pit­falls and lever­ag­ing the ded­i­ca­tion nec­es­sary to real­ize your objectives.

Maybe at present, you feel akin to Kampf after tum­bling and dis­cov­er­ing your­self at the back of the pack. Set that aside and envi­sion hav­ing a ground­break­ing year in which you ful­fill all your objec­tives. Envi­sion being more robust, finan­cial­ly sta­ble, and in an affec­tion­ate rela­tion­ship. Envi­sion awak­en­ing thank­ful and con­tent every day while feel­ing linked to a supe­ri­or pur­pose. These pos­si­bil­i­ties are plau­si­ble with Hyat­t’s sys­tem, ground­ed on five fun­da­men­tal assumptions:

  1. Real life is mul­ti­lay­ered and com­prised of 10 inter­con­nect­ed spheres: spir­i­tu­al, intel­lec­tu­al, emo­tion­al, phys­i­cal, mar­i­tal, parental, social, voca­tion­al, avo­ca­tion­al, and fiscal.
  2. Every sphere holds significance.
  3. Progress com­mences when you get clar­i­ty on your sta­tus quo.
  4. You can enhance any of life’s spheres.
  5. Con­fi­dence, con­tent­ment, and sat­is­fac­tion with life stem from indi­vid­ual expansion.

Hyat­t’s method is frag­ment­ed into the five straight­for­ward stages you will scru­ti­nize in this sum­ma­ry. In stage 1, you will work on con­quer­ing uncer­tain­ties. Stage 2 is cen­tered on attain­ing clo­sure con­cern­ing the past. Stage 3 fur­nish­es you with a sev­en-part frame­work to for­mu­late goals that gen­uine­ly func­tion. In stage 4, Hyatt intro­duces the most potent moti­va­tor he knows. Last­ly, in stage 5, you inte­grate all the frag­ments in a man­ner that per­mits you to encounter your opti­mal year ever.

Book Summary: Your Best Year Ever - A Five-Stage Strategy for Attaining Your Most Significant Objectives

Believe in the Feasibility

Your thought pat­terns gen­er­ate your encoun­ters in life. If these pat­terns are affir­ma­tive, you live through favor­able cir­cum­stances such as joy, indi­vid­ual grat­i­fi­ca­tion, and mate­r­i­al accom­plish­ments. If not, you under­go the con­verse and are dis­con­tent, unpro­duc­tive, and dis­sat­is­fied. The uplift­ing news? You can amend thought pat­terns that don’t prof­it you. By focus­ing on enhanc­ing your thoughts and beliefs, you can rev­o­lu­tion­ize your life.

Hyatt and his part­ner pos­sessed a splen­did Irish set­ter named Nel­son who har­bored one down­side: He was an escape vir­tu­oso who sprint­ed out­doors at every oppor­tu­ni­ty, expos­ing him­self to per­ils from pass­ing vehi­cles. The res­o­lu­tion was dis­cov­ered in an elec­tric bound­ary erect­ed around the periph­ery of the house­hold. Nel­son sport­ed a col­lar that emit­ted a warn­ing vibra­tion upon near­ing the elec­tric perime­ter. Not only did Nel­son learn to con­fine him­self with­in the yard, but even­tu­al­ly, he did­n’t even neces­si­tate the col­lar. The fence was no longer the elec­tric enclo­sure – it was Nel­son’s men­tal­i­ty. This exem­pli­fies how your beliefs con­fig­ure your actuality.

Per­haps you resem­ble Nel­son. Life has jolt­ed you, so you desist, striv­ing to avert the dis­tress of defeat. You might con­tem­plate, “Why should I strive for that posi­tion? I lack ade­quate exper­tise to impress them.” Or, “I yearn to par­tic­i­pate in that marathon, but I’m exces­sive­ly over­weight.” The rumi­na­tions in your mind incar­cer­ate you. Pon­der on pilots who once reck­oned it insur­mount­able to breach the sound bar­ri­er or run­ners who did­n’t per­ceive the fea­si­bil­i­ty of run­ning a four-minute mile. Nonethe­less, these feats were fea­si­ble and ulti­mate­ly achieved.

Reflect on the instance of two con­trast­ing men, Char­lie and Robert. Char­lie feels vic­tim­ized, grum­bles about every­thing, and har­bors sus­pi­cions con­stant­ly. In his esti­ma­tion, every­one is unin­tel­li­gent, and life is fixed. No won­der indi­vid­u­als do not rel­ish his pres­ence, and accom­plish­ment per­pet­u­al­ly eludes him. Eval­u­a­tive­ly, Robert is sup­port­ive of his friends with a beam­ing coun­te­nance and abun­dant encour­age­ment. He is gen­er­ous, treats every­one ami­ably, and invests in the tri­umph of oth­ers. He receives reci­procity for his gen­eros­i­ty and pros­pers in numer­ous aspects of life. What dis­tin­guish­es these two men? One per­ceives exis­tence from a stand­point of scarci­ty, and one from a per­spec­tive of afflu­ence. Scarci­ty thinkers oper­ate from a van­tage of con­strain­ing beliefs, where min­i­mal, if any, poten­tial­i­ty exists. Abun­dance thinkers func­tion from a stand­point of eman­ci­pat­ing, pos­i­tive ver­i­ties. What is your mindset?

Conclude the Past

Fol­low­ing lim­it­ing beliefs, the most fre­quent imped­i­ment to liv­ing your finest life is the incli­na­tion to brood over the past. It is intri­cate (if not insur­mount­able) to forge onward if you per­sist in gaz­ing back­ward. Nev­er­the­less, you can glean from the past in a man­ner that pro­pels you toward fash­ion­ing a bet­ter future by engag­ing in what the U.S. mil­i­tary des­ig­nates as an after-action review. This is a four-step strat­a­gem that enables you to scru­ti­nize the past and assim­i­late the lessons obtain­able from it. Here is how to exe­cute this process by review­ing your pre­ced­ing year:

  1. Express what you aimed for. Delve into your objec­tives from the pre­vi­ous year. Did you har­bor a sig­nif­i­cant aspi­ra­tion, dream, or desire? Did you endeav­or to ini­ti­ate your own enter­prise? Estab­lish a com­mit­ted rela­tion­ship? Par­tic­i­pate in a marathon?
  2. Acknowl­edge what hap­pened in real­i­ty. While pro­gress­ing through the for­mer step, you like­ly dis­cerned some dis­par­i­ties between your inten­tions and accom­plish­ments. For instance, per­chance you aspired to par­take in a marathon but mere­ly jogged around the block on a hand­ful of occa­sions. Pose inquiries about any regrets you under­went to shed illu­mi­na­tion on the present and future. Fur­ther­more, ques­tion what you are proud of. What tri­umphs did you achieve over the past year? You ought to rev­el in your vic­to­ries along­side exam­in­ing your hardships.
  3. Edu­cate your­self based on the encounter. What are the key life teach­ings dis­cov­ered? What thoughts can you draw from the vari­a­tions between your desires and actu­al out­comes? Can you pin­point what was absent from your achieve­ments last year? Were you able to stash more funds away? Invest more moments with your kin? These insights from the past can inspire you as you progress.
  4. Mod­i­fy your actions. Despite col­lect­ing numer­ous teach­ings, they won’t be of much use if you don’t adapt your con­duct accord­ing­ly. Uti­lize what you dis­cern in your post-event eval­u­a­tion to enhance your per­for­mance and your life as you go forward.

While tra­vers­ing through the afore­men­tioned steps, you may encounter remorse. Regret can be painful, but con­sid­er it a valu­able les­son that can guide you in mul­ti­ple ways. For instance, regret is edu­ca­tion­al as it offers insights to help you steer clear of future blun­ders. Addi­tion­al­ly, regret can ignite a spark for change, push­ing you to scru­ti­nize how and why you devi­at­ed from your path. You can treat regret in one of two ways: as a hin­drance or as a direc­tive point­ing towards your future. Per­haps your most sig­nif­i­cant frus­tra­tion is direct­ing you towards one of the biggest tri­umphs of your life.

Reflect­ing back can also breed appre­ci­a­tion. Stud­ies have revealed that grat­i­tude aids in accom­plish­ing your objec­tives. It fos­ters hope, boosts your patience, and broad­ens poten­tial respons­es to sit­u­a­tions, shift­ing you to a state of abun­dance. For all these rea­sons, main­tain­ing a grat­i­tude doc­u­ment becomes extreme­ly ben­e­fi­cial as you blue­print your future.

Construct Your Future

A promis­ing future does­n’t mate­ri­al­ize out of thin air, and you can’t aim­less­ly drift towards suc­cess. Thus, it’s cru­cial that you gain absolute clar­i­ty on your aspi­ra­tions. The crux of clar­i­ty lies in mor­ph­ing your aspi­ra­tions and dreams into doc­u­ment­ed goals that adhere to sev­en para­me­ters, eas­i­ly remem­bered by the acronym SMARTER:

  • Pre­cise: Pin­point exact­ly what you aim to achieve. For instance, “Grasp pho­tog­ra­phy” is vague, while “Con­clude a por­trait pho­tog­ra­phy course at the com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter” is explicit.
  • Quan­tifi­able: Spec­i­fy cri­te­ria that assist in gaug­ing whether you’ve attained your goals. A def­i­nite tar­get is imper­a­tive to assess progress.
  • Action-ori­ent­ed: Dynam­ic verbs aid in fram­ing action­able goals. Con­trast these objec­tives: “Enhance con­sis­ten­cy in exer­cis­ing” and “Jog for 30 min­utes thrice a week.” The lat­ter goal is more tangible.
  • Dar­ing: For­mu­lat­ing goals that car­ry cer­tain risks can pre­vent stag­na­tion. Risk pro­pels you to achieve more as indi­vid­u­als thrive on chal­lenges. There­fore, aim for ambi­tious objectives.
  • Time-bound: With­out dead­lines, that cru­cial sense of urgency is lost. The inten­tion of “Con­sume two books” is less effec­tive than “Fin­ish two books this month.”
  • Enthralling: If a goal is inspir­ing and cap­ti­vat­ing, you’re more like­ly to attain it as you won’t lose interest.
  • Per­ti­nent: Your goals should har­mo­nize with your val­ues and the gen­uine neces­si­ties and oblig­a­tions of your life. If you’re a work­ing par­ent, your aspi­ra­tions might dif­fer com­pared to being youth­ful and sin­gle or retired.

Ful­fill­ment ensues when you chal­lenge your­self with goals that are both mean­ing­ful and dar­ing. This also implies that the jour­ney won’t always be smooth. How­ev­er, that’s accept­able — com­fort is over­rat­ed. If you desire to enhance your life, your objec­tives should push you beyond your com­fort zone.

Discover Your Purpose

Com­menc­ing the pur­suit of an exhil­a­rat­ing goal is rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple since moti­va­tion runs high in the ini­tial phas­es. How­ev­er, chal­lenges inten­si­fy at some point, plung­ing you into the murky mid­dle phase. This is where many indi­vid­u­als tend to give up. The prime approach to nav­i­gate this phase is by har­ness­ing your moti­va­tion so that when the going gets tough, you keep forg­ing ahead.

A win­ning strat­e­gy involves deeply con­nect­ing to why you yearn to achieve some­thing. This under­pins your pro­gres­sion towards the goal. When Hyatt aspired to par­tic­i­pate in a marathon, he iden­ti­fied his incen­tives and penned them down. Ini­tial­ly, he was weary of being over­weight and desired to attain the peak phys­i­cal con­di­tion of his life. Fur­ther­more, he aimed to acquire ample sta­mi­na and vig­or to be his utmost self. This ros­ter aid­ed him in com­pre­hend­ing the stakes when­ev­er he felt dis­in­clined to run, fuelling his deter­mi­na­tion to hit the pave­ment nonetheless.

Post estab­lish­ing a pro­found con­nec­tion with your moti­va­tion, it’s cru­cial to mas­ter your dri­ving forces as you move for­ward. You can adept­ly man­age them in four ways:

  • Deter­mine the appro­pri­ate incen­tive. Envi­sion reach­ing the cul­mi­na­tion of your goal and rel­ish­ing a ful­fill­ing reward.
  • Be prag­mat­ic about the req­ui­site com­mit­ment. Acknowl­edge that cul­ti­vat­ing new rou­tines may demand more time than antic­i­pat­ed, and man­age your antic­i­pa­tions accord­ing­ly to avoid demotivation.
  • Infuse gam­i­fi­ca­tion into the process. Games serve as excel­lent moti­va­tors. When Hyatt resolved to enhance his water intake, he unearthed an appli­ca­tion that dis­played a dig­i­tal plant flour­ish­ing every instance he logged his water consumption.
  • Eval­u­ate your progress. Instead of per­pet­u­al­ly focus­ing on the dis­tance left to cov­er, be sure to peri­od­i­cal­ly assess how far you’ve already traversed.

Last­ly, a voy­age is always smoother with com­pan­ions. Fol­low­ing the tri­umph of The Hob­bit, J. R. R. Tolkien grap­pled with com­plet­ing a sequel. He aban­doned the man­u­script mul­ti­ple times. Yet, his con­fi­dant, the author and philoso­pher C. S. Lewis, urged him to per­sist. Tolkien men­tioned that this encour­age­ment was the sole rea­son he final­ized his sub­se­quent book, The Lord of the Rings. Enlist­ing the aid of a con­fi­dant or an expert can lead to knowl­edge, encour­age­ment, account­abil­i­ty, and the impe­tus stem­ming from healthy competition.

Bring It to Fruition

Hith­er­to, you’ve imbibed numer­ous insights on devis­ing strate­gies. Now, it’s time to delve into action. Real­iz­ing your goals neces­si­tates tak­ing the req­ui­site steps. Gen­er­al George B. McClel­lan was appoint­ed to steer the Union Army to tri­umph in the Civ­il War. Fol­low­ing a series of ini­tial vic­to­ries, there was wide­spread enthu­si­asm regard­ing his lead­er­ship and poten­tial accom­plish­ments. Alas, those hopes were shat­tered. Despite being adept at prepar­ing his troops, McClel­lan fal­tered in com­bat. His pro­fi­cient plan­ning result­ed in inad­e­quate action. This short­fall induced his defeat against Robert E. Lee at Anti­etam. His nar­ra­tive under­scores a piv­otal real­i­ty: Sole­ly set­ting a goal is inad­e­quate; achiev­ing a goal demands action.

Exe­cut­ing action can be ardu­ous, espe­cial­ly if you become entan­gled in exces­sive plan­ning. A plan holds sig­nif­i­cance, yet exces­sive plan­ning can evolve into a form of pro­cras­ti­na­tion. Kick­start­ing by tack­ling the sim­plest task ini­tial­ly is the most effec­tive approach. This ini­ti­ates motion, uplifts your morale, and insti­gates momen­tum. Per­haps your aim is to com­plete a marathon, but tran­si­tion­ing from a seden­tary lifestyle to dai­ly run­ning feels over­whelm­ing. Ini­ti­ate by dial­ing a coach or locat­ing a vir­tu­al run­ning club. Sub­se­quent to tak­ing that inau­gur­al step, com­mit to tra­vers­ing all the steps lead­ing to your objective.

Upon com­menc­ing progress towards your goal, you may dis­cov­er lin­ger­ing dif­fi­cul­ty in tak­ing action. Hyatt uti­lizes acti­va­tion cues to counter this hur­dle. These trig­gers set the stage for action, aid­ing in advanced plan­ning to avert imped­i­ments and sus­tain momen­tum. For instance, when Hyatt encoun­tered dif­fi­cul­ty ris­ing from bed at six in the morn­ing for exer­cise, arrang­ing his gym attire the pre­vi­ous night nudged him for­ward upon the alar­m’s chime. This form of proac­tive plan­ning can assist you in sur­mount­ing obsta­cles and sus­tain­ing progress.

Last­ly, estab­lish­ing a reg­u­lar goal eval­u­a­tion process is imper­a­tive. Research indi­cates that indi­vid­u­als who jot down theirAchiev­ers who set objec­tives and doc­u­ment their advance­ment have a greater capac­i­ty to assess what impedes them and how to con­quer it. An effec­tive tac­tic is to review a record of your objec­tives every day. This process keeps them recent in your mem­o­ry and enables you to link your objec­tives to every­day duties. A more in-depth assess­ment on a week­ly basis aids in keep­ing you emo­tion­al­ly and intel­lec­tu­al­ly engaged. This is an oppor­tune moment to reassess your rea­sons for stay­ing inspired and to grasp what respon­si­bil­i­ties lie ahead in the upcom­ing week. Last­ly, plan for a thor­ough eval­u­a­tion every quar­ter. Dur­ing a quar­ter­ly eval­u­a­tion, make sure to cel­e­brate any progress achieved, adjust the objec­tive if nec­es­sary, and reaf­firm your commitment.

If a goal no longer aligns with you, feel free to delete it. Absolute­ly, you have the lib­er­ty to dis­card a goal. This is your life, and if you real­ize that a goal no longer con­tributes to mak­ing this your best year ever, you have the free­dom to release it.


Embrace Hyat­t’s five-phase sys­tem and con­vert your aspi­ra­tions into real­i­ty. Begin by address­ing any restrict­ing beliefs you may har­bor and enhance your mind­set towards abun­dance. Uti­lize the post-action eval­u­a­tion to glean insights from the past, remem­ber­ing that regret could serve as a pro­peller towards progress and even indi­cate the path you need to fol­low. Estab­lish SMARTER objec­tives and make strides towards those tar­gets by delv­ing deeply into the rea­sons you estab­lished them ini­tial­ly. Sub­se­quent­ly, take the nec­es­sary actions to achieve them – tak­ing action proves cru­cial. If you need assis­tance to stay on course, uti­lize acti­va­tion trig­gers and estab­lish a rou­tine objec­tive review process.

Trans­form­ing your aspi­ra­tions and dreams into attain­able goals and striv­ing towards them is demand­ing, but ulti­mate­ly leads to a much more ful­fill­ing life. It is time to expe­ri­ence your finest year to date!

Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt is a renowned author­i­ty in lead­er­ship and the founder of the lead­er­ship devel­op­ment com­pa­ny Michael Hyatt & Com­pa­ny. He is the co-author of Liv­ing For­ward (co-writ­ten with Daniel Harkavy) and the best­seller Plat­form: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.


This man­u­al is a self-improve­ment guide for indi­vid­u­als aim­ing to reach their most cru­cial objec­tives and lead a pur­pose­ful life. The writer, Michael Hyatt, is a best­selling author, pre­sen­ter, and entre­pre­neur who has aid­ed count­less indi­vid­u­als in attain­ing their full poten­tial. He shares his proven strat­e­gy for estab­lish­ing and reach­ing goals, which he terms the Five Phas­es to Accom­plish­ing Your Most Impor­tant Objec­tives. These are:

  • Step 1: Believe in the Fea­si­bil­i­ty. This phase requires over­com­ing the lim­it­ing beliefs and adverse sen­ti­ments that hin­der us from pur­su­ing our goals. The author elu­ci­dates how to rec­og­nize and chal­lenge these beliefs, and how to sup­plant them with pos­i­tive affir­ma­tions and thankfulness.
  • Step 2: Con­clude the Past. This phase entails review­ing the pri­or year and draw­ing lessons from our achieve­ments and short­com­ings. The author offers a frame­work for car­ry­ing out a year-end eval­u­a­tion, which enables us to toast our vic­to­ries, acknowl­edge our mis­for­tunes, and pin­point our key takeaways.
  • Step 3: Cre­ate Your Future. This phase involves for­mu­lat­ing a vision for our future and set­ting SMARTER goals that are in sync with it. The author explains the uti­liza­tion of his goal-set­ting mod­el, which helps us to delin­eate our goals to be spe­cif­ic, quan­tifi­able, exe­cutable, dar­ing, time-bound, ener­giz­ing, and pertinent.
  • Step 4: Uncov­er Your Why. This phase encom­pass­es dis­cov­er­ing the impe­tus and inten­tion behind our goals, aid­ing us in remain­ing devot­ed and over­com­ing bar­ri­ers. The author shows how to draft a com­pelling goal dec­la­ra­tion, encom­pass­ing the gains, the expens­es, and the evo­lu­tion fol­low­ing achieve­ment of our goal.
  • Step 5: Bring It to Pass. This phase involves tak­ing action and pro­gress­ing towards our goals. The author dis­pens­es his top prac­tices and instru­ments for strate­giz­ing, pri­or­i­tiz­ing, sched­ul­ing, mon­i­tor­ing, eval­u­at­ing, and refin­ing our goals. Fur­ther­more, he advis­es on han­dling com­mon obsta­cles such as fear, dis­trac­tion, pro­cras­ti­na­tion, resis­tance, and exhaustion.

I dis­cov­ered the man­u­al to be extreme­ly ben­e­fi­cial and moti­vat­ing. The author pos­sess­es a lucid and cap­ti­vat­ing writ­ing style that ren­ders the man­u­al effort­less to peruse and com­pre­hend. He also infus­es numer­ous instances and anec­dotes from his own life and those of oth­er suc­cess­ful indi­vid­u­als to illus­trate his points and ren­der them relat­able. I appre­ci­at­ed the equi­lib­ri­um struck between the the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal facets of goal-set­ting, as well as the pro­vi­sion of action­able steps and drills for each phase of the process.

The man­u­al is not only enlight­en­ing but also empow­er­ing. It urges us to assume con­trol of our lives and con­tent­ment, chal­leng­ing us to achieve our lofti­est objec­tives. It also serves as a reminder of our poten­tial and capa­bil­i­ties, cel­e­brat­ing our accom­plish­ments and evo­lu­tion. It is a man­u­al that can aid any­one seek­ing to enhance their per­son­al, pro­fes­sion­al, or spir­i­tu­al life.

On the whole, I opine that this man­u­al is a valu­able tool for any­one desir­ing to grasp how to real­ize their most cru­cial objec­tives. It is not a man­u­al that dic­tates what we should do but rather one that demon­strates what we can accom­plish. It is a man­u­al that will prompt us to think and act dif­fer­ent­ly. It is a man­u­al that will pro­pel us to expe­ri­ence our finest year to date.

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