Summary: The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto by Stefaan van Hooydonk
If you have a pen­chant for explor­ing a top­ic, delv­ing
10 Days to Faster Reading by Abby Marks Beale
Overview of the Book: What are the Ben­e­fits for Me?
Summary: Your Health at Work by Becky Allen
Accord­ing to a recent study by The Con­fer­ence Board
Summary: Working to Restore: Harnessing the Power of Regenerative Business to Heal the World
Ven­er­at­ed eco-scribe Esha Chhabra delves into how
Summary: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
In the tiny vil­lage of St. Peters­burg, Mis­souri
Summary: The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
Orig­i­nal­ly known as Mal­colm Lit­tle, born in Oma­ha
Summary: A Yellow Raft in Blue Water: A Novel
The sto­ry is nar­rat­ed through the expe­ri­ences
Summary: The Beautiful and Damned
In the ini­tial years of the 1900s, a pros­per­ous
Summary: Your Turn: How to be an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims
Your Time (2021) serves as a mod­ern-day man­u­al on
Summary: Tess of the D’Urbervilles
John Durbey­field, a poor ped­dler, is amazed to learn
Summary: Siddhartha
Esteemed in his soci­ety and among his com­pan­ions
Summary: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
The sto­ry revolves around a juve­nile girl, Melin­da